
Child Health Plan Package

6years old

Accurately assess baby's growth and development
Give authoritative guidance in time
Provide personalized medical integration services
Share with parents the internationally synchronized child care experience
Create a healthy growth process for children

Every physical examination of a baby is a milestone on the way to growth

Doing more targeted physical examinations for children at different times will allow parents to know the baby’s physical condition in the first time and make early intervention based on the results of the physical examination.

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The same physical examination items, a happier physical examination atmosphere

General hospital
HarMoniCare Hospital

There are no major experts in the physical examination, and the assembly line operation is not targeted


Associate high-level pediatric experts in person,
provide personalized feeding advice and health management

Waiting in line for half an hour, physical examination for a few minutes, children affected and parents are tired


No need to wait for a long time to make an appointment in advance, one-to-one consultation with experts

The hospital atmosphere is serious and cold, and the child is afraid to resist seeking medical attention


Children's paradise-style medical treatment environment,
makes babies not afraid of the hospital, happy medical treatment

Noisy medical environment,
healthy children and sick children are not separated, easy to cross infection


The American-style diagnosis and treatment environment is designed by a well-known team
to separate sick children from healthy children to prevent cross-infection

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service advantage

  • Tracking monitoring management
  • Introduction of advanced concepts
  • Check for hidden diseases
  • attention to physical and mental health
  • Promote baby's potential development
  • HarMoniCare provides health care services for children aged 3-6 years, regular inspections on time, monitoring growth and development through time periods, establishing growth files for each child, and scientifically judging whether each growth stage conforms to routine development and whether there are factors that are not conducive to development. Avoid or adjust some bad conditions as soon as possible.

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  • HarMoniCare not only has domestic children health care experts, but also has advanced child care concepts. HarMoniCare takes the international advanced children health care concept as the guide and often goes to North America, Europe and other developed countries to study and exchange, and enriches clinical experience and integrates the international cutting-edge concepts to create more advanced child care guidance services for you.

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  • HarMoniCare child health care service system provides timely detection and evaluation for the high-incidence health problems of children of specific age groups, which is conducive to early detection and timely treatment of developmental delays and various hidden diseases caused by malnutrition.

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  • The mental health of children is as important as their physical health. The age of 0-3 is a critical period for children's growth, and the formation of a sense of security in this period has great significance to the future. HarMoniCare not only pays attention to the physical health of children, but also gives the same attention to the mental health and personality cultivation of children, so that your baby can grow up healthily.

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  • Special early development training is set up to develop the baby's potential, so that the baby can actively develop under the correct guidance; design unique parent-child activities to allow parents to communicate with the baby intimately, and enhance the emotional intelligence training.

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3-6 Year-Old Children Health
Checkup Package



Basic examination

Routine examination

Development assessment

Feeding, nutrition and parenting guidance


Hearing screening


Examination of eye appearance, visual behavior, eye position and eye movement

Eyesight test(visual testing chart)

Binocular vision screening(screening instrument)

Psychological behavior

Psychological behavior test

Laboratory items

Blood routine test

Urine routine

Six liver functions (fasting, venous blood)

Renal function

Hepatitis B

Serum retinol/vitamin A(fasting)

1, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D

Whole blood lead

Blood collection

ECG & ultrasound


Abdominal (liver, gallbladder, pancreas and spleen) ultrasound

Urinary system ultrasound : bilateral kidney (transabdominal)

The total price of the package: RMB:5435

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Focus on medical care
