Stay away from gynecological diseases and be a healthy woman

HarMoniCare Gynecological Examination

Extreme care Double love

Every woman has the right to enjoy a warm and comfortable gynecological examination
regular gynecological examinations
Early detection and early treatment of the disease
can save half of the treatment time and cost

The expert of department of gynecology and obstetrics of top 3 visit frequently in the hospital, Easy to book specialists, no longer long and crowded lines, more secure private space, to meet your higher requirements for medical services.

Do you have any of these symptoms? Don't trifle with your illness.

Abnormal vaginal discharge Genital itching
Irregular menstruation Lower abdomen pain
Dysmenorrhea Abnormal vaginal bleeding

In fact, these symptoms are reminding you that you may have the following diseases


Pelvic inflammatory disease


Ovarian cyst

Uterine fibroids

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These women need to pay more attention to gynecological examinations

1Women who have not had a gynecological examination for more than 1 year

2Women with a history of abortion and gynecological inflammation

3Women with a history of sex

4Women after 30 year old.

6 Potential hidden dangers of common gynecological diseases

  • Gynecological inflammation
  • Pelvic disease
  • Cervical disease
  • Menstrual disorders
  • Breast disease
  • Gynecologic Oncology
  • Common symptoms

    1. Increased leucorrhea, grayish white, thin and foamy;
    2. Congestion of the vaginal mucosa, scattered bleeding spots, itching and burning sensation of the vulva, and foul smell in the vagina;
    3. There is a feeling of falling in the vagina, burning, accompanied by pelvic discomfort and general fatigue;
    4. When the lower abdomen swells and spreads to the urethra, frequent urination, urgency, pain and so on.

    Check item

    1. Routine vaginal discharge
    2. Urine routine
    3. BV (Vaginal bacteria detection)
    4. Gynecology B ultrasound
    5. Electronic colposcopy

    Watch out for diseases

    Fungal vaginitis, senile vaginitis, etc.


    1. Do not wash the inside of the vagina within 24 hours before the examination
    2. Check once every two years for 18-30 years old, and once every six months after 30 years old

    Not sure about the symptoms? click for inqueries
  • Common symptoms

    1. The amount of leucorrhea is significantly increased, which may be purulent, smelly, or bloody;
    2. Rapid pulse, general weakness, sweating, chills, severe lower abdominal pain, backache, loss of appetite;
    3. May have mild fever, lower abdominal pain, refusal to press, may be accompanied by fatigue, low back pain, menstrual disorders;
    4. Frequent urination, urgency, dysuria, lower abdominal pain, dyspareunia, pain aggravated after menstruation or work.

    Check item

    1. Routine urine examination
    2. B-ultrasound
    3. Examination of secretions
    4. Laparoscopy
    5. Beware of diseases in posterior fornix puncture inspection: pelvic inflammatory disease, adnexitis, endometritis, etc.


    1. Women over 20 years old, self-check once a month.
    2. 20-40 years old, go to the hospital once every three years,> 40 years old, check every year.

    Not sure about the symptoms? click for inqueries
  • Common symptoms

    1. Increased vaginal discharge, turbidity, peculiar smell, purulent or mixed blood;
    2. The lower abdomen or lumbosacral area often has pain, the lower abdomen is swollen, and it is more painful during sex;
    3. Irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, pelvic heaviness;
    4. Contact bleeding, that is, bleeding due to contact with the cervix after sex or gynecological examination.

    Check item

    1. DNA ploidy analysis of cervical cells
    2. Colposcopy
    3. Iodine test and visual observation
    4. Pathological examination of cervical biopsy
    5. Routine blood tests to be alert to diseases: cervicitis, cervical erosion, cervical polyps, etc.


    1. Do cervical cancer prevention check once a year. If there is no problem for three consecutive years, it can be changed to check once every two years.

    Not sure about the symptoms? click for inqueries
  • Common symptoms

    1. The quantity is small, the color is pale, the quality is thin, accompanied by dizziness, insomnia, heart palpitations, pale complexion, and fatigue;
    2. Delayed menstruation, heavy volume, accompanied by backache, upset and thirsty, red tongue, yellow coating, dry stool;
    3. Accompanied by cold and pain in the lower abdomen, preference for warmth and pressing, but less for fever, or chills with cold limbs;
    4. Menstrual cycle or bleeding volume disorder, dysmenorrhea, irregular uterine bleeding, amenorrhea.

    Check item

    1. B-ultrasound
    2. Cytological examination
    3. Biopsy
    4. Endocrine determination
    5. Laparoscopy Angel beware of diseases: endocrine diseases, reproductive tract infections, tumors, etc.


    1. If you find amenorrhea, you should go to the hospital to find out the cause and treat the symptoms. The longer the amenorrhea, the more severe the shrinkage of the uterus and ovaries.

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  • Common symptoms

    1. The texture of the mass is hard, the boundary is not clear, there is tenderness, the mass is not ulcerated, and it is not easy to become pus or dissipate;
    2. There are many hard and irregular nodules of varying sizes in the breast, which are not clearly separated from the surrounding tissues;
    3. Nipple discharge occurs, which is spontaneous discharge, grass yellow or brown serous discharge;
    4. Local breasts are accompanied by symptoms of redness, swelling, heat and pain.

    Check item

    1. B-ultrasound
    2. Infrared thermal image inspection
    3. Multiple fine needle aspiration cytology examination

    Watch out for diseases

    Mastitis, breast hyperplasia, breast cancer, etc.


    1.>20 years old, self-check once a month;
    2. 20-40 years old, go to the hospital once every three years,> 40 years old, check every year.

    Not sure about the symptoms? click for inqueries
  • Common symptoms

    1. Increased menstrual flow, prolonged menstrual period, irregular bleeding, or changes in the color of discharged blood;
    2. The amount of leucorrhea increases and the color changes, such as thick, blood and water samples, and peculiar smell;
    3. There may be lumps in the lower abdomen, which may be cystic or actual, with varying degrees of hardness;
    4. Closed urine, frequent urination, bloody stools or even urinary fistula or fecal fistula, oppression of the anus, a feeling of bulging.

    Check item

    1. Examination of vaginal exfoliated cells
    2. Endoscopy
    3. Biopsy
    4. Ultrasound examination
    5. X-ray examination to be alert to diseases: uterine fibroids, ovarian tumors, fallopian tube tumors, etc.


    1. Women with a family history of gynecological tumors should actively undergo a physical examination of their ovaries.
    2. Women who give birth after 25 years of age are checked once a year

    Not sure about the symptoms? click for inqueries

How to check for gynecological diseases daily

  • Watch out for secretions

    Pay attention to the marks on the underwear. Whether the vaginal discharge is normal or not is indeed a "barometer" reflecting the health of the body. Many gynecological diseases are the first signs of the vaginal discharge.

  • Look at the color of the vulva

    The color of the vulva of a healthy mature woman is slightly darker than the skin of other parts of the body, and the skin color will become darker with age.

  • Touching the skin around the vulva

    Touch the skin around the vulva to see if there are any abnormal protrusions.

  • Stroking breasts

    Whether the breasts on both sides are symmetrical, whether they are similar in size, whether the nipples on both sides are on the same level, and whether the nipples are recessed.

Love TipsWarm prompt

HarMoniCare experts remind:
1. Wear clothes that are easy to inspect on the day of gynecological examination. Skirts of moderate length are the best choice. A skirt with a moderate length is the best choice;
2. The time of gynecological examination should avoid menstrual period, choose the period between the end of menstruation and ovulation before the date of examination
3. Before the physical examination, make a record of what you want to consult a doctor and what the doctor may ask about;
4. Be honest with your doctor. Don't hide it. It's ignorance to delay your health because of shyness.

Gynecologist Li Cuiling

Focus on medical care
